recent news Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Completes Scale Up Production Cycle of Recombinant Spider Silk Silkworms November 18, 2019 kblbADMIN Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Completes Scale Up Production Cycle of Recombinant Spider Silk Silkworms
recent news Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Completes Rearing of First Production Batch of Recombinant Spider Silk Silkworm in Vietnam Factory November 4, 2019 kblbADMIN Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Completes Rearing of First Production Batch of Recombinant Spider Silk Silkworm in Vietnam Factory
recent news Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Spider Silk Facility to Break Corporate Production capacity Records within First Months of Operation October 28, 2019 kblbADMIN Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Spider Silk Facility to Break Corporate Production capacity Records within First Months of Operation
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recent news Kraig Biocraft Laboratories COO Travels to Vietnam to Assist Transition of Production Operations to New Factory October 2, 2019 kblbADMIN Kraig Biocraft Laboratories COO Travels to Vietnam to Assist Transition of Production Operations to New Factory
recent news Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Completes Selection of Independent Directors for its Board of Directors September 25, 2019 kblbADMIN Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Completes Selection of Independent Directors for its Board of Directors
recent news, Uncategorized Kraig Biocraft Laboratories announces first new member of expanded Board of Directors September 18, 2019 kblbADMIN Kraig Biocraft Laboratories announces first new member of expanded Board of Directors
recent news Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Expands and Strengthens R&D Research Team August 21, 2019 kblbADMIN Kraig Labs adds first biological engineer to R&D team bringing extensive spider silk experience
recent news Kraig Biocraft Laboratories completes construction of Spider Silk Biotech Research Laboratory in Vietnam August 8, 2019 kblbADMIN Kraig Biocraft Laboratories completes construction of Spider Silk Biotech Research Laboratory in Vietnam
recent news Kraig Biocraft Laboratories’ shareholders vote to approve plan to uplist to a national exchange during Annual Shareholder Meeting July 29, 2019 kblbADMIN Kraig Labs shareholders approve all ballot proposals